They said AI couldn't handle sales

We took that personally

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Built to meet your customer needs

We believe that customer trust is built on:


Reliable information


Exactly when they need it


Precisely how they prefer it
“As an AI company with a high standard for human-machine interactions we couldn’t afford to sacrifice customer expectations.  Salespeak’s Sales Brain put us on track with where we wanted to be, enhancing our inbound sales strategy effectively.”
Amit Govrin, CEO of Kubiya
“I was initially skeptical of AI’s ability to manage inbound sales leads effectively. Seeing Salespeak’s AI Sales Brain solution booking meetings for us - I changed my view. It provides a richer experience, scales better and available 24x7 hence giving us around the sun coverage, while reducing load on the team .”
Shani Shoham, CRO at DevZero

Want to see the brain trained on your company data?

We've opened our beta to a small group of customers, ready to redefine customer engagement.